nginx 文件服务器美化
网络上很多使用 nginx 来作为文件服务器的,前段时间公司也有这个需求,就研究了一下使用 nginx 来做文件服务器,参见前面两篇文章:
但是 nginx 原生的 autoindex 显示界面很一般,网上也有使用 Nginx-Fancyindex 插件来的,但是需要自己编译 nginx,比较麻烦,笔者使用的容器版本的 nginx,所以放弃了它,而选择了add_after_body的方式。
感谢 phuslu 写了一个 autoindex.html,可以非常方便的进行美化,只需要在 nginx 配置中添加一行:
add_after_body /autoindex.html;
它还支持展示目录中的 文件,非常不错。
在站点中,作者为了方便大家获取autoindex.html,将其放在了文件服务器中显示。在实际应用中,该文件不应该让大家看到,可以将其改为隐藏文件,即改名为.autoindex.html。但是如果文件服务器的下载目录同时是为了方便别人上传文件(上传的人只能访问此目录),此时有不相关的文件就不太合适了。所以笔者修改了相应的配置,将autoindex.html放在了另一个目录,这里列一下 nginx 的主要配置:
server { ...... root share; charset utf-8; add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload"; add_header cache-control "no-cache"; add_header access-control-allow-origin "*"; add_header referrer-policy "no-referrer"; add_header x-content-type-options nosniff; add_header x-xss-protection "1; mode=block"; add_header x-frame-options sameorigin; location = /autoindex.html { root html; } location / { autoindex on; autoindex_localtime on; autoindex_exact_size off; add_after_body /autoindex.html; } location ~ \.(md|ini|txt|log|pac|keys|lua|json|yaml|toml|conf|cmd|sh|bash|h|c|cpp|hpp|py|go|service)$ { default_type text/plain; } location ~ ^/(bashrc|vimrc)$ { default_type text/plain; } ......
作者还写了一个 markdown.html 用于渲染 markdown 文件为 html,但是有一个问题就是导致下载的所有的 md 文件后面都有 markdown.html 的代码。笔者通过研究,在展示后面加了一列preview,如果是 markdown 文件,则会在后面显示一个preview按钮,点它则会新建一个窗口,来展示经过 html 渲染的 markdown 文件(markdown 的是通过 marked 来渲染的,功能有限)。如下图所示:

附上 autoindex.html:
!function(){ var website_title = '' var max_name_length = 60 var enable_readme_md = true var omit_icon_if_emoji = true var datetime_format = '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M' var marked_js = '' var github_markdown_css = '' var dom = { element: null, get: function (o) { var obj = Object.create(this) obj.element = (typeof o == "object") ? o : document.createElement(o) return obj }, add: function (o) { var obj = dom.get(o) this.element.appendChild(obj.element) return obj }, text: function (t) { this.element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)) return this }, html: function (s) { this.element.innerHTML = s return this }, attr: function (k, v) { this.element.setAttribute(k, v) return this } } head = dom.get(document.head) head.add('meta').attr('charset', 'utf-8') head.add('meta').attr('name', 'viewport').attr('content', 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1') if (!document.title) { document.write(["<div class=\"container\">", "<h3>nginx.conf</h3>", "<textarea rows=8 cols=50>", "# download autoindex.html to /wwwroot/", "location ~ ^(.*)/$ {", " charset utf-8;", " autoindex on;", " autoindex_localtime on;", " autoindex_exact_size off;", " add_after_body /autoindex.html;", "}", "</textarea>", "</div>"].join("\n")) return } var bodylines = document.body.innerHTML.split('\n') document.body.innerHTML = '' titlehtml = document.title.replace(/\/$/, '').split('/').slice(1).reduce(function(acc, v, i, a) { return acc + '<a href="/' + a.slice(0, i+1).join('/') + '/">' + v + '</a>/' }, '<a href="/">Index</a> of /') if (website_title) { document.title = website_title + ' - ' + document.title } head.add('meta').attr('name', 'description').attr('content', document.title) div = dom.get('div').attr('class', 'container') div.add('table').add('tbody').add('tr').add('th').html(titlehtml) table = div.add('table').attr('class', 'table-hover').add('tbody') columns = ['Name', 'Date', 'Size'] thead = table.add('tr') for (i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) thead.add('td').add('a').attr('href', 'javascript:sortby('+i+')').attr('class', 'octicon arrow-up').text(columns[i]); var insert = function(filename, datetime, size) { if (omit_icon_if_emoji && /^(\u00a9|\u00ae|[\u2000-\u3300]|\ud83c[\ud000-\udfff]|\ud83d[\ud000-\udfff]|\ud83e[\ud000-\udfff]) /.test(filename)) { css = '' } else if (filename == '../') { css = 'octicon file-symlink-directory' } else if (/\/$/.test(filename)) { css = 'octicon file-directory' } else if (/\.(zip|7z|bz2|gz|tar|tgz|tbz2|xz|cab)$/.test(filename)) { css = 'octicon file-zip' } else if (/\.(py|js|php|pl|rb|sh|bash|lua|sql|go|rs|java|c|h|cpp|cxx|hpp)$/.test(filename)) { css = 'octicon file-code' } else if (/\.(pdf|ps)$/.test(filename)) { css = 'octicon file-pdf' } else if (/\.(jpg|png|bmp|gif|ico|webp)$/.test(filename)) { css = 'octicon file-media' } else if (/\.(flv|mp4|mkv|avi|mkv|vp9)$/.test(filename)) { css = 'octicon device-camera-video' } else { css = 'octicon file' } displayname = decodeURIComponent(filename.replace(/\/$/, '')) if (displayname.length > max_name_length) displayname = displayname.substring(0, max_name_length-3) + '..>'; if (!isNaN(Date.parse(datetime))) { d = new Date(datetime) pad = function (s) {return s < 10 ? 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'' : size) } var readme_md = '' insert('../', '', '-') for (var i in bodylines) { if (m = /\s*<a href="(.+?)">(.+?)<\/a>\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*/.exec(bodylines[i])) { filename = m[2] datetime = m[3] + ' ' + m[4] size = m[5] if (filename.toLowerCase() == '') { readme_md = filename } insert(filename, datetime, size) } } document.documentElement.lang = navigator.language document.body.appendChild(div.element) if (enable_readme_md && readme_md !== '') { readme = div.add('table').add('tbody'); readme.add('tr').add('th').attr('class', 'octicon octicon-book').text(readme_md) readme.add('tr').add('td').add('div').attr('id', 'readme').attr('class', 'markdown-body') xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET', location.pathname.replace(/[^/]+$/, '')+readme_md, true) xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status < 200 && xhr.status >= 400) return wait('marked', function() { document.getElementById("readme").innerHTML = marked.parse(xhr.responseText) begin = xhr.responseText.indexOf('<!--<script>') end = xhr.responseText.indexOf("\n</" + "script>-->") if (begin < end) div.add('script').html(xhr.responseText.substr(begin+4+8, end+1-begin-4-8)) }) } xhr.send() div.add('script').attr('src', marked_js) div.add('link').attr('rel', 'stylesheet').attr('href', github_markdown_css) } }() function wait(name, callback) { var interval = 10; // ms window.setTimeout(function() { if (window[name] && !(window[name] instanceof HTMLElement)) { callback(window[name]) } else if (window[name] instanceof HTMLElement && window[name].innerHTML) { callback(window[name]) } else { window.setTimeout(arguments.callee, interval) } }, interval) } function sortby(index) { rows = document.getElementsByClassName('table-hover')[0].rows link = rows[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[index] arrow = link.className == 'octicon arrow-down' ? 1 : -1 link.className = 'octicon arrow-' + (arrow == 1 ? 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